Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 2)

The second theory in this assignment was the B.F.Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory. This theory is a behavioural theory. According to the theory learning takes place through the changes in the behaviour. Behavioural changes are the result of response to events (stimuli) in the surrounding. With response there will be a consequence like hitting a ball. When stimuli response is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to response.

Reinforcement is the main element in his theory. A reinforce is anything that strengthens the response. It could be oral, or from other way which increases the satisfaction. Reinforcement is there in positive as well as negative. Negative reinforce means any stimuli results increased response when it was taken away. Operant conditioning is widely applied to behaviour modifications, classroom management, and programmed instruction. A behaviour followed by reinforcing stimulus results in high probability of that occurring in the future. A behaviour followed by a negative stimulus results in a decreased behaviour effect in the future. Behaviour followed by the removal of aversive stimuli results in an increased chance of that behaviour occurring in the future. It is very difficult to differentiate between negative and positive form of reinforcement.
Operant conditioning is much more powered and is more applicable in the classroom. There are several ways to reinforce behaviour. The most common, positive reinforcement, occurs when the subject is given something enjoyable after performing the desired activity. Some examples include praise, candy or money. Negative reinforcement cosists of removing a negative stimulus. This could be a removing an annoying sound. This theory also shows how to reduce bad behaviour. Punishment is a generally leads to negative response.  Extinction is ignoring the behaviour till it abolished. This theory says that punishment will perhaps be effective in short run. Extinction might require more patirence and tenacity.
Reinforcement is a consequence that increase the probability that a behaviour well occur. There will be positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Punishment refers to the consequence that decreases the behaviour. Teacher can give the following rewards or punishments. Concrete rewards (stickers, certificates), Activity rewards (free reading, free time), exemption rewards (no home work, no weekly test), social rewards (praise, recognition), loss f privilege (work with friends, sit where eve you want), fines (lost points, grades, money), and extra work (homework).


  1. good reading, but you can do much better.

  2. Great work Shafiu...
    here in our local community will not accept if we reward students for desired behaviors with money. because we have experienced that even good students also go in the wrong path when we give them money for the desired behaviors like scoring full marks in the unit test, helping others etc. for example we have seen very good students also involved in smoking like unacceptable behaviors... the reason is their needs are fulfilled at home by their parents, so when they get money with peer pressure they go in those wrong path..

  3. Shafiu, I found your blog well organized and you have been doing a great job in writing and discussing about the learning theories. You can also add videos and audios. There is a free software which can vice your text, if you want to make it more interesting.
