Friday, March 29, 2013

BLOG TASK 3 - Reflection on TPI

In this TPI score I have been filling the inventory and submitted the answers to the website. Within a short while the result displayed to my mail and through a webpage.

My group of learners is secondary and learning setting is face-to-face, individual tutoring.
There are five areas in this inventory, transmission total, apprenticeship total, developmental total, nurturing total and social reform total. These sub-scores will further help to identify your philosophy of teaching by highlighting whether your views within a perspective are grounded (differentially or equally) in what I believe, what I intend to accomplish, or what educational actions I undertake in my teaching settings.
Transmission requires a substantial commitment to the content or subject matter. Apprenticeship is a process of socializing students into new behavioral norms and ways of working. Developmental effective teaching must be planned and conducted “from the learner’s point of view,” Nurturing assumes that long-term, hard, persistent effort to achieve comes from the heart, not the head. Social reform seeks to change society in substantive ways.
In my result transmission result shows that what my intention is less than the belief and action. In Apprenticeship Belief intention and action are equal. In developmental area also three components are same in nurturing area intention and action are same and belief is less. In the last social reform intention and action are greater than what I believe in teaching.

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