Friday, March 29, 2013



For the purposes of this manual we focus on the so-called modern learning theories namely, Behaviourism, Gestalt theory, Cognitivism and Constructivism.

BLOG TASK 3 - Reflection on TPI

In this TPI score I have been filling the inventory and submitted the answers to the website. Within a short while the result displayed to my mail and through a webpage.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


My teaching philosophy is that children are born with infinite and unique potentials and these potentials have to be identified and developed by providing a conducive learning environment where virtuous qualities such as compassion, responsibility and respect were modeled for the students to imitate. The teacher’s role is to show, facilitate and inspire the kids instead of telling and forcing them through coercion and the focus of education should not be to rate and grade the kids but to enable the kids become a well-balanced person with moral, intellectual and emotional maturity who is both skillful and rational in facing the challenges of life confidently.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 3)

The above mentioned two theories are having some similarities and differences too. This will see the similarities and difference of the theory. Cognitive development theory and operant conditioning theory are two quite different theories. Two theories had very little in common. But, while the differences are clear, the similarities do exist. Behaviourism and Piaget’s theory both deal primarily with the individual reaction to the environment. Both the theories support learning and they both talk about the development of child. Educators are very much helpful in both these theories.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 2)

The second theory in this assignment was the B.F.Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory. This theory is a behavioural theory. According to the theory learning takes place through the changes in the behaviour. Behavioural changes are the result of response to events (stimuli) in the surrounding. With response there will be a consequence like hitting a ball. When stimuli response is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to response.