Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Attribution Theory

Attribution theory seeks to explain how individuals and teams evaluate their levels of success and failure.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Comments against using behavioral methods in the classroom?

Broadly speaking, my understanding of the implications of behavioral approach to classroom learning are (1) learning is passive (2) learning requires external rewards (3) and teacher must direct the learning process.

Goal Orientations Theory of Motivation

Goal orientations are cognitive representations of the general type of goal an individual will tend to pursue. Goal orientations are dynamic and subject to change as information pertaining to one’s performance on the task is processed.  While an individual can hold a number of goal orientations that govern their reasons for engaging in an activity, research has primarily focused on two types of goals namely, task oriented goals and ego oriented goals.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Motivation Theory - Maslow

Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow's theory consisted of two parts:
(1) The classification of human needs, and
(2) Consideration of how the classes are related to each other
The classes of needs were summarised by Maslow as follows:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What is constructivism?

Constructivism is basically a theory -- based on observation and scientific study -- about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know. 

Friday, March 29, 2013



For the purposes of this manual we focus on the so-called modern learning theories namely, Behaviourism, Gestalt theory, Cognitivism and Constructivism.

BLOG TASK 3 - Reflection on TPI

In this TPI score I have been filling the inventory and submitted the answers to the website. Within a short while the result displayed to my mail and through a webpage.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


My teaching philosophy is that children are born with infinite and unique potentials and these potentials have to be identified and developed by providing a conducive learning environment where virtuous qualities such as compassion, responsibility and respect were modeled for the students to imitate. The teacher’s role is to show, facilitate and inspire the kids instead of telling and forcing them through coercion and the focus of education should not be to rate and grade the kids but to enable the kids become a well-balanced person with moral, intellectual and emotional maturity who is both skillful and rational in facing the challenges of life confidently.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 3)

The above mentioned two theories are having some similarities and differences too. This will see the similarities and difference of the theory. Cognitive development theory and operant conditioning theory are two quite different theories. Two theories had very little in common. But, while the differences are clear, the similarities do exist. Behaviourism and Piaget’s theory both deal primarily with the individual reaction to the environment. Both the theories support learning and they both talk about the development of child. Educators are very much helpful in both these theories.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 2)

The second theory in this assignment was the B.F.Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory. This theory is a behavioural theory. According to the theory learning takes place through the changes in the behaviour. Behavioural changes are the result of response to events (stimuli) in the surrounding. With response there will be a consequence like hitting a ball. When stimuli response is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to response.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives of Piaget’s and Skinner’s learning theory. (Part 1)

Among all learning theories one of them is the Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development. His idea is a model of how humans live in the world by acquiring the information. Certain thinking is easy for the adults and others are easy for the child. They are organization and adaptation. Humans are born with knowledge to organize thinking. Small children for example can look at objects or feel it when they it comes in touch with their hands. They cannot do both actions together. But when they grew up they can do both together and even both separately. Theory gave a single word for this as schemes. As a person’s thinking level became more organized new schemes will develop to fit to the environment. The second is the adaptation, to fit to their environment. Adaptation involves two processes, which are assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation means using of existing knowledge to make a sense for the event. It involves trying to acquire something new by fitting it into the present knowledge. For example the first time many children see a cat, they call it a “baao” in local language). They try to connect the new experience with the existing knowledge to identify animals. Accommodation occurs when a person is going to change his existing knowledge to bring the new situation.


This blog is solely meant for the PGC Course work. Don't hesistate to give feedback and comment on my writings. but always remember to have constructive feedbacks.

Thank you

Yours friendly
Mohamed Shaafiu